The US reveals India’s evil scheme to murder Sikh separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun

Washington, DC Following the Canadian Prime Minister’s grave accusations against India, US authorities have also revealed New Delhi’s involvement in an abortive attempt to kill a Sikh separatist leader.
The global conspiracy theory came to light after the United States brought charges against a guy who was allegedly involved in the attempted assassination of a prominent Sikh dissident.

It is anticipated that the startling Washington claims will strain relations with New Delhi. The target, according to US authorities, was an ardent opponent of the Modi-led administration and a supporter of Khalistan, an independent Sikh state separate from India.

The individual who went by the name Nikhil Gupta was an Indian who masterminded a plot to assassinate a Sikh leader in the United States. He is accused of plotting the murder of an Indian American US citizen while he was detained in the Czech Republic earlier this year.

It claimed that the Sikh leader was going to be killed, and the frontman for the Indian government paid $100,000 to have a hitman—who turned out to be an undercover federal agent.

The White House expressed “surprise and concern” in response to the shocking discovery of the US citizen’s murder plan and indicated that the subject had been brought up at most senior levels.

Red-faced, the Indian government announced that it was investigating the issue and has established a high-level investigative group to deal with the security issues.


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