Geert Wilders claims he lacks the backing of potential coalition partners to lead the Netherlands as prime minister.

Netherlands’ THE HAGUE (AP) — After riding to a shock win in the November election thanks to his anti-Islamic and anti-immigration rhetoric, Geert Wilders announced on Wednesday that he does not have the backing of his potential coalition partners to take over as prime minister of the Netherlands.

Wilders declared, “I can only become premier if ALL parties in the coalition support that,” on X, the defunct Twitter platform. Contrary to what was said,

His remarks followed media reports, citing anonymous sources, that the leaders of all four parties engaged in protracted coalition negotiations will continue to serve in parliament, which was presented as a breakthrough in Tuesday night’s coalition talks.

That creates the possibility of an expert-led technical Cabinet of some kind. Even though it appears that Wilders will not be the head of state, he and his Party for Freedom will still be the key forces behind the upcoming government.

An email for response from Wilders was not immediately answered. No comments were made right away by other leaders participating in the discussions.

However, Wilders subsequently made another remark on X, stating that he still hopes to be prime minister one day. He remarked, “Remember: I will still be the premier of the Netherlands.” “With even more Dutch people’s backing. The day after tomorrow, if not tomorrow. since millions of Dutch people’s voices will be heard!

In the 150-seat lower house of the Dutch parliament, Wilders’ party has 37 MPs following the elections on November 22. With 88 MPs in all, the four parties involved in government negotiations have a sizable majority. According to polls conducted since the election, support for Wilders’ party is still rising.

Wilders appeared to have a chance to lead a country that has long taken pride in its tolerant society after two decades of abrasive opposition, but he has stepped down in order to advance the majority of his program.

I had a strong desire for a right-wing Cabinet. Reduced immigration and asylum. “Dutch people are the best,” Wilders declared on X. “My love for my country and fellow citizens is greater and more significant than my personal status.”

Despite the fact that the far-right populist movement has been growing throughout Europe for some time now amid a polarized political environment, Wilders’ election win was unexpected in the Netherlands and abroad.

Although Wilders has long advocated for outlawing mosques, Islamic schools, and the Quran, he withdrew draft legislation to put the restrictions into effect in January as a courtesy to potential coalition partners.

There has been a trend to the right elsewhere besides the Netherlands.

The populist Chega, or Enough, party in Portugal is now poised to play a kingmaker role as a result of the election’s inconclusive outcome on Sunday. Far right parties are also predicted to make major gains in the June elections for the European Union’s parliament. Andre Ventura, the leader of Chega, has found common ground with other right-wing groups throughout the continent.

The leaders of the center-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, the populist Farmer Citizen Movement, and the centrist New Social Contract met with Wilders on Monday and Tuesday.

Pieter Omtzigt, the leader of the New Social Contract, has ruled out joining a majority Cabinet headed by Wilders. As a result, the four parties will probably consider other options, such as a minority Cabinet supported by Omtzigt’s party or a Cabinet composed of politicians and experts.

Italy could provide the Netherlands with a blueprint for overcoming its current political impasse. Italy has a history of turning to “technical” governments led by individuals who do not belong to the big political parties. These specialists are called upon to steer the nation through a certain phase, frequently brought on by political impasse or economic volatility, before to new elections.

Mario Draghi, the well-known former head of the European Central Bank, oversaw the most recent administration that did this. He was tasked with guiding Italy through the second half of the COVID-19 epidemic and reviving economic growth.

Draghi’s coalition fell apart in July 2022 despite widespread support for him. New elections were then called, and Premier Giorgia Meloni of the far-right Brothers of Italy and her right-wing allies emerged victorious.

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